文章摘自美国进口商网,www.americanimporters.org ,感兴趣的网友可以登陆上去看原版。我毕业后第一家公司是一家美资咨询公司,专门销售美国进口商名录,因此对群发邮件的技巧深有感触,所以贴出此帖,希望能对各位网友的业务有所帮助。原文的作者应该是美国人,对电子邮件营销的理解可能和国内同行有所不同,但是我看绝大部分的建议都值得采纳.
The Internet - Where the Customers Are!
E-mail can be a very effective tool for marketing your products to buyers around the world IF you know what you are doing and follow certain rules. The important word here is -IF-. Those who do not know what they are doing or do not follow the rules quickly get a bad reputation and rarely have successful campaigns.
Some of the companies on the Database List of USA Importers and Wholesalers have included either their e-mail address or their web site address.
Our Exporting to the World, Using the Internet database list has the email addresses and/or web site addresses of companies around the world (including the USA)
Why is e-mail so popular? First of all it"s easy to get. When you register your URL web address with the internet service provider (ISP) as mentioned above you automatically get several e-mail addresses. It is important that you have at least three basic e-mail addresses. Buyers are looking for them and if you don"t have them it raises suspicion about your company.
为什么电子邮件这么流行?首先是因为电子邮箱(email地址)很容易得到。当你通过网络服务提供商(ISP)注册一个前面提到过的URL(Uniform Resorce Locator,在Internet的WWW服务程序上用于指定信息位置的表示方法)网址的时候,你就自动有了若干个邮件地址。有一点很重要,那就是你的公司至少需要有三个电子邮件地址,客人会比较在意这一点,如果没有,他们会对你的公司产生某些怀疑。
Your e-mail address after the "@" sign will be your URL that you registered. For example if the URL is www.goldentextile.com, this company"s e-mail address including the "@" sign will be ……@goldentextile.com. Buyers want to know where they are sending their messages. For this reason you should be very specific about where the message is going. Goldentextile@goldentextile.com is a poor e-mail address. It does not give any indication what department the message is going to.
Every export company should have at least these three e-mail addresses: sales@.., export@.. , and support@.. . The three e-mail addresses for the company above would be sales@goldentextile.com, export@goldentextile.com, and support@goldentextile.com. By using the first two e-mail addresses the buyer knows that the message is going to the sales or export department. Having the support@goldentextile.com address tells the buyer that there is a department that can help them if they should have a question or problem after the order arrives. Having these e-mail addresses at your company greatly improves the chances of a buyer taking your company more seriously. Not having them means that the buyer may not know how to contact you.
每一个经营出口业务的公司都应该有以下三个电子邮件地址: sale@.., export@.., and support@.
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