20040108 112741 SRVC DOWN SMTP "SMTPD32" - Service not running (9)<br>
20040108 112741 SRVC DOWN POP3 "POP3D32" - Service not running (9)<br>
20040108 112843 SRVC START "SMTPD32" service<br>
20040108 112844 SRVC ERROR "SMTPD32" - start failed The service did not respond to the start request in a timely fashion.<br>
20040108 112849 SRVC START "POP3D32" service<br>
20040108 112853 SRVC ERROR "POP3D32" - start failed The service did not respond to the start request in a timely fashion.<br>
20040108 113058 SRVC DOWN SMTP "SMTPD32" - Reporting<br>
20040108 113058 SRVC DOWN POP3 "POP3D32" - Reporting