1. Stop All Exchange Services.
2. You will need to remove the following registry keys:
Under HKEY_LOCAL_Machine\System\CurrentControlSet delete the following:
All MSExchange* keys
Delete the HKEY_LOCAL_Machine\Software\Microsoft\Exchange Key
3. Delete All Exchange Binaries, by default the binaries are installed here:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server
Note: Please make a copy of any Exchange Databases and logs if necessary and copy
the queue directory (default: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\TransportRoles\data\*) (need to verify)
All Database directories should also be deleted (or moved to a safe location) these could be located on other drives.
4. Remove and reinstall the Internet Information Services (IIS).
5. Remove the server’s machine account from all Exchange groups: Exchange Servers and Exchange Install Domain Servers.
6. Remove the Exchange Organization Group from the local machine’s Administrator Group.
7. Right Click on the Exchangeserver.msi file and select uninstall.