[email=*@komb.com]*@komb.com[/email] [email=*@dannemann.com.br]*@dannemann.com.br[/email] @gbpatent.com @haier.com 这些地址里有美国的,有巴西, 还有青岛海尔的, 下面是退信提示.
This message is generated by COREMAIL email system.
I'm sorry to have to inform you that the message returned
*Please scroll down for English.*
您发送到 huazz@haier.com 的邮件由于以下原因被退回:
Connection close by peer while sending data.
Dear info@infopatent.com.cn,
Your message to huazz@haier.com was returned due to the following reason:
" Connection close by peer while sending data".
Your original message is included as attachment.
请问各位老师这是怎么回事? 我的邮箱:170982225@163.com |