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Domino 6 – AIX环境安装手册

出处:5DMail.Net收集整理 作者:5DMail.Net收集整理 时间:2008-6-17 22:56:16

  第一部分 系统要求(安装前准备工作)

  1. AIX 4.3.3 要求:

  AIX 必需是 4.3.3 ML09以上 (使用oslevel检查)

  要安装中文环境 ( Lang=zh_CN

  2. AIX 4.3.3. Pacth List:

  AIX 4.3.3 - Maintenance Level 9

  xlC.aix43.rte C C Set ++ Runtime for AIX 4.3

  bos.iocp.rte A I/O Completion Ports API

  4.3 APAR for this fix is IY23157. This will bring bos.iocp.rte to a level of

  AIX 5.1

  xlC.aix50.rte COMMITTED C Set ++ Runtime for AIX 5.0

  bos.iocp.rte COMMITTED I/O Completion Ports API

  5.1 APAR is IY22656. This will bring bos.iocp.rte to a level of

  In addition, the following AIX patch levels are required:

  IY21149 - AIX kernel patch

  3. AIX I/O completion ports 设置

  To verify if a fileset installed and patch level, from the Unixcommand line type: lslpp -l , e.g. lslpp -l bos.iocp.rte.

  To verify if an APAR is installed, from the unix command line/prompt type: instfix -ivk , e.g. instfix -ivk IY23157

  **Install fileset bos.iocp.rte via SMIT (System Management Interface Tool), from command line type: smitty installp

  select: Install and Update from LATEST available Software >>input device / Directory for software (input location of fileset)

  **Install APAR, from unix command line type: smitty installp, select: Update Software by Fix (APAR) >>input device / directory for software (input location of APAR)

  **Configure I/O Completion Ports, from unix command line type:

  smitty iocp, select >>Configure Defined I/O Completion Ports

  NOTE: user must be logged in as root in order to install fileset, APARs and to configure I/O completion ports.

  4. 创建Notes用户和Notes组

  第二部分 Domino 6 安装步骤

  系统准备工作完成以后,就可以开始Domino R6服务器安装。

  1. 以root用户身份登录。

  2. 转到安装目录或CDROM的目录并执行安装程序,

  命令为: ./INSTALL

  3. 出现欢迎界面,按“tab”键到下一屏。

  4. 下一屏要求阅读许可协议(License agreement)。按“tab”键到下一屏,直到许可协议的结束。在许可协议结束时询问是否接受许可协议,缺省为“Yes”。如果接受许可协议,按“tab”键到下一屏。

  5. “Do you wan to install data directorIEs only? ” 选择 “No”

  6. 选择要安装的Domino服务器类型。选择服务器类型为 “Domino Utilility Server”(通过空格键选择),[缺省为” Domino Messaging Server” ] 然后按“tab”键到下一屏。

  7. “Do you want to install all template files for this Domino Server? ” 选择”Yes”

  8. “Do you want to create /opt/lotus soft link for this Domino Server? ” 选择”Yes”

  9. 选择Domino执行程序的目录,缺省为/opt/lotus。与前面环境准备的设置相同,按“tab”键到下一屏。

  10. 下一屏询问是否安装多个分区服务器,缺省为“No”,缺省值即可。然后按“tab”键到下一屏。

  11. 下一屏询问是否自动生成数据目录,缺省为“Yes”。按“Spacebar”改为“No”,然后按“tab”键到下一屏。

  12. 下一屏显示缺省的数据目录。按“Enter”键输入数据目录/app/lotus/notesdata,然后按“Enter”键。按“tab”键到下一屏。

  13. 选择用户,缺省为notes。按“tab”键到下一屏。

  14. 选择组,缺省为notes。与前面环境准备的设置相同,所以按“tab”键到下一屏。

  15. 下一屏显示已经完成安装程序的配置。按“tab”键继续。下一屏显示安装配置和设置。如果一切正常,按“tab”键开始安装。否则,按“Escape”键重新配置。步骤与上面的过程相同。

  16. 安装完成后将显示安装成功。


  第三部分 安装中文语言包

  安装方法一( 图形界面):

  1. 命令为: ./AIXDomLP60_GUI

  2. 显示:

  InstallShield Wizard

  正在初始化 InstallShield Wizard …

  正在准备 Java? 虚拟机…

  正在运行InstallShield Wizard.

  3. 启动图形化界面, 请按提示操作.

  4. 完成安装” Lotus Domino Language Pack Installer”

  提示: “The Lotus Domino Language Pack has successfully installed the selected Language Pack”

  安装方法二( 文本界面):

  1. 命令为: ./AIXDomLP60_CONSOLE

  2. 显示:

  InstallShield Wizard

  正在初始化 InstallShield Wizard …

  正在准备 Java? 虚拟机…

  正在运行InstallShield Wizard.

  3. 启动文本界面, 请按提示操作

  4. 完成安装” Lotus Domino Language Pack Installer”

  提示: “The Lotus Domino Language Pack has successfully installed the selected Language Pack”

  第四部分 配置Domino 6

  在AIX系统上, 首先切换到notes用户

  命令: su -notes

  配置方法一( 图形界面 :

  1. 当前目录为Domino数据目录, 例: /lotus/notesdata

  2. 命令: /opt/lotus/bin/http httpsetup 或 /opt/lotus/bin/server

  3. 将启动图形界面, 进行配置Domino 6 (详见下方法二中界面

  [错误信息: Error: please edit your shell's DISPLAY environement variable to reflect an unlocked terminal that you would like to launch the Domino Setup Program”]

  注意: 若出现该提示信息, 请询问AIX工程师.

  (提示: export DISPLAY=

  xhost +

  ) 见附录2

  配置方法二 ( 远程配置 :

  1. 当前目录为Domino数据目录, 例: /lotus/notesdata

  2. 命令: /opt/lotus/bin/server –listen

  3. 在远程机器上安装Notes Administrator

  4. 在Notes目录下, 命令: serversetup –remote



  1. 如何查AIX Patch:

  # instfix -ik IY17945

  All filesets for IY17945 were found.

  2. Unlocking Unix system displays for running Domino Java Setup

  Most Unix systems create new shells with access control turned on by default. This will result in any application that tries to create a window (such as the new Domino Java Setup program) to fail with Xlib errors.

  In order to unlock the system display, make sure that you are logged in as the user that will be running the application, and then type the command:

  xhost +

  This will disable the systems access control and make it possible to launch the Domino Java Setup program.

  Below is an example of the error messages generated when attempting to launch Domino Setup without disabling access control first:

  Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server

  Xlib: Client is not authorized to connect to Server

  Exception in thread "main" java.lang.InternalError: Can't connect to X11 window server using ':0.0' as the value of the DISPLAY variable.

  Also, if you will need to make sure that your shell's DISPLAY environment variable points to the x-Windowssession that you are running on. For example, if you have connected to another system via telnet, you will need to change the DISPLAY variable to point to the system that you are working on. Remember to include the port number of the system display (ie: systemname:0.0).

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