For a long time now it's been a tough slog for anti-spam software companies, whose offerings never seem to have the impact they should.
Some low-technology workaround is developed that soon enough licks whatever protective shield vendors try to put in place – and spam continues unimpeded until the next "dream" product is announced and the cycle starts all over again.
The struggle between various species of spamsters and those who would seek to contain them continues full throttle. But indications are the crooks seem to be winning hands down.
They've developed counter-maneuvers for every major spam-blocking strategy, even those that for a while appeared to be containing the menace.
For instance, one stratagy that appeared to be getting good results - for a while at least - involved three levels of filtering.
Let's call it the "triple filter" approach.
Triple filter anti-spam tools work by "asking" three questions (who, what and which) of every e-mail coming in. Who is the sender? What are the contents? Which sites does the message link to?
That worked for a while, until the "bad guys" developed a three-pronged response.
“道高一尺 魔高一丈” 能让垃圾邮件继续猖狂吗
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