2011-09-15 12:37:50 [0] [DEBUG] [10700] start to process message(THREADID:24 MESSAGEID:L2738B9ED07 FILE:168455433480_3692_tm)
2011-09-15 12:37:50 [0] [DEBUG] [1503] success to connect remote SMTP server(mail.rollsportchina.com.:
2011-09-15 12:37:50 [BDE5A8] [DEBUG] [20040] server:220 localhost Winmail Mail Server ESMTP ready
2011-09-15 12:37:50 [BDE5A8] [DEBUG] [20041] client:HELO mail2.xxxx.com
2011-09-15 12:37:50 [BDE5A8] [DEBUG] [20042] server:250 localhost Winmail Mail Server
2011-09-15 12:37:50 [BDE5A8] [DEBUG] [150] success to create channel to mail.rollsportchina.com.
2011-09-15 12:37:50 [BDE5A8] [DEBUG] [20060] client:MAIL FROM:<testmail@xxxx.com>
2011-09-15 12:37:50 [BDE5A8] [DEBUG] [20073] server:250 ok
2011-09-15 12:37:50 [BDE5A8] [DEBUG] [20062] client:RCPT TO:<lf@rollsportchina.com>
2011-09-15 12:37:50 [BDE5A8] [DEBUG] [20075] server:250 ok
2011-09-15 12:37:50 [BDE5A8] [DEBUG] [20064] client:DATA
2011-09-15 12:37:50 [BDE5A8] [DEBUG] [20066] server:354 go ahead, end data with CRLF.CRLF
2011-09-15 12:37:50 [BDE5A8] [DEBUG] [20067] client:<send mail file>
2011-09-15 12:37:50 [BDE5A8] [DEBUG] [20069] client:.
2011-09-15 12:37:51 [BDE5A8] [DEBUG] [20071] server:250 ok message accepted for delivery
2011-09-15 12:37:51 [BDE5A8] [DEBUG] [20050] client:QUIT
2011-09-15 12:37:51 [BDE5A8] [DEBUG] [20050] server:221 localhost Winmail Mail Server
2011-09-15 12:37:51 [0] [MESSAGE] [130] SMTPDomain="xxxx.com" MsgID="168455433480_3692_tm" MessageID="L2738B9ED07" From="testmail@xxxxxx.com" Rcpt="lf@rollsportchina.com" Type="SMTP" Param="mail.rollsportchina.com."
2011-09-15 12:37:51 [BDE5A8] [MESSAGE] [111] SMTP-Send MX="mail.rollsportchina.com." SMTP-Helo="mail2.xxxxxx.com" messageid="L2738B9ED07" x-tm=";xxxxxx.com;;xxxxxx.com;testmail@xxxxxx.com;,lf@rollsportchina.com;webmail" RealFrom="testmail@xxxxxx.com" RealTo="lf@rollsportchina.com" From="testmail@xxxxxx.com" To="lf@rollsportchina.com" Success!
2011-09-15 12:37:51 [0] [MESSAGE] [177] success to send mail(messageid:L2738B9ED07 msgid:168455433480_3692_tm) to remote user: From = <testmail@xxxxxx.com> To = <lf@rollsportchina.com> |