标题: 十分钟搭建超级强大的 Linux 邮件服务器 [打印本页] 作者: kenny61736 时间: 2008-9-25 13:59 标题: 十分钟搭建超级强大的 Linux 邮件服务器
Linux 服务器强大、稳定、安全的品质已经成为越来越多的管理员的服务器首选,Windows 平台的高成本以及越来越危险的版权风险也让许多公司都着手将 Windows 平台服务器迁移到 Linux 平台, 但是Linux 平台下的服务器软件安装、配置、维护麻烦又让大多数管理员望而却步,比如说我们今天准备做的 Linux 下的邮件服务器,Qmail , PostFix等,看着他的安装教程就已经头皮发麻了,更别说把他配置成可以安全稳定运行的状态,不过还好,我终于发现一款功能强大、安全稳定、而且简便易用的邮件服务器软件,那就是 IceWarp Merak Mail Server,中文名称叫 爱思华宝.微力邮箱管理系统。不用半小时,你就能读完这篇文章并安装成功一台超强的邮件服务器。
Run services under user []: root
Run services under group []: root
……………………… ///提示信息省略//
Merak Mail Server
1999-2008 IceWarp Ltd.
Merak Mail Server is already added as system service.
Delete service? [Y/n]: y
Removing Merak Mail Server system service.
Do you want to add Merak Mail Server as a system service? [Y/n]: y
Adding Merak Mail Server as system service
Do you want Merak Mail Server to start automatically on reboot? [Y/n]: y
Making service as autostart
Do you want to run Merak Mail Server Wizard now? [Y/n]: y
一般情况下安装邮件系统时会自动进入到向导,也可到Merak的程序文件夹/opt/merak,运行wizard 命令:
cd /opt/merk
Root menu
You have the following options:
Root menu
You have the following options:
[1] Accounts and Domains management
[2] License operations
[3] Storage setup
[0] Return
[Q] Exit
Enter your choice: 1**
Accounts and Domains management
You have the following options:
[1] Add new domain
[2] Delete domain
[3] Add new user
[4] Delete user
[0] Return
[Q] Exit
Enter your choice: 1
Create new domain:
Domain name: icewarp.cn
Domain description: icewarp china
Administrator email address: admin@icewarp.cn
OK? [Y/n] y
Domain created
Add another domain? [Y/n] n
Accounts and Domains Management
You have the following options:
[1] Add new domain
[2] Delete domain
[3] Add new user
[4] Delete user
[0] Return
[Q] Exit
Enter your choice: 3
Create new account:
Email address: admin@icewarp.cn
Password: **
Once again to confirm: **
Full name: administrator
System administrator? [Y/n] y
OK? [Y/n] y //确认建立新用户//
Account created
Add another user? [Y/n] n
Accounts and Domains Management
Enter your choice: Q
IceWarp Merak Mail Server was successfully installed or upgraded.
Installer log is available in /root/merak-install.log
Installer error log is available in /root/merak-install-error.log
[root@new-host-9 merak]# cd /opt/merak
[root@new-host-9 merak]# ./startd 或者
[root@new-host-9] service merak start /启动微力邮件系统各服务/
Starting Merak Mail Server Service Control Daemon::[OK]
Starting Merak Mail Server SMTP Service Daemon::[OK]
Starting Merak Mail Server POP3/IMAP4 Service Daemon::[OK]