they be any good in the field when the going gets rough.
This took a bit of time. I went for a long jog to loosen the muscles.
Then, while my clothes were being zapped clean in the vacuum washer, I
这样的药品广告垃圾邮件,用的是exchange 智能过滤系统+symantec security,原来一段时间没有了,现在每天好多封,怎么封呀.有没有人遇到这种情况的.谢谢作者: atong999888 时间: 2006-7-27 16:42
现在垃圾邮件的发送手段一直在变化.作者: john2u 时间: 2006-7-30 21:30 标题: 你的过滤系统支持正则表达式么, 可以用正则表达式来匹配关键字符,比如说 VljAGRA ,V和GRA就是有效关键字,可以抓到.