kinhongli 发表于 2009-12-26 19:46:21



http://www.spamcop.net这个显示blocked这个显示is poor

[ 本帖最后由 kinhongli 于 2009-12-26 19:48 编辑 ]

kinhongli 发表于 2009-12-26 19:48:10


If too many delistings occur, the CBL may insist on waiting several days to confirm that the problem has been fixed before delisting.

Okay then, how can I make sure I won't be listed again?
Virtually every CBL listing that causes legitimate email to be affected has something to do with a mass mailing virus, especially the Netsky, MyDoom/NOVARG, or Bagel/Beagle virus "families".

If you're reading this page, the cause is PROBABLY a virus, no matter how good your anti-virus tools are.

The second most likely reason for a CBL listing affecting legitimate email is an open proxy or spam sending trojan (or "bot").

If this IP address is your personal computer (or was your personal computer at the time of the detection above), you must carefully check your machine for viruses, adware, open proxies and trojans and remove them before requesting removal here. More information on scanning

PLEASE NOTE: Even if you think you already have adequate virus protection, read the above link anyway.

PLEASE NOTE: Most providers discourage mailing directly to the Internet from your personal computer, and provide instructions on how to send your email via their mail servers. See the "is this a dynamic IP?" question below for further information.

If this IP address isn't a personal computer, especially if you're staff of an ISP or IT/IS department trying to deal with mail problems for more than just one user, things become somewhat more complex, and the section below will help you identify what is happening.

Click the links on all of the things that apply:

Is a firewall (especially an "Network Address Translation" (NAT) firewall)? Click if yes or unsure
is a mail server? Click if yes
Is a dynamically allocated IP address? Click if yes
Are you having problems with something other than email? (ie: IRC) Click if yes
Is your own provider (especially "mail service provider") blocking you? This usually means you cannot send any email at all. Click if yes
Did you get blocked when you tried to send email to us? Click if yes


All of the information requested in the following form is optional; it is logged in an attempt to better understand the reasons for CBL listings.

Are you the owner or administrator of the listed host:(not specified)YesNo

If you found a virus on the listed host, which was it:

If you found an open proxy on the listed host, which product was it:

If you have any comments to make about the listing, please enter them here.

WARNING! Comments are not read routinely and will not be responded to. These are for general research to help improve the CBL. If you need to contact the CBL team specifically about this listing then please do so separately by email):

Read this part again before submitting:

The CBL is not a list of open SMTP relays.

The CBL does not list email addresses or domains.

The CBL lists IP addresses of machines which are, or have been, compromised by spam-sending trojans, open proxies, or mass-mailing viruses such as Netsky/MyDoom/Novarg/Bagle/Beagle/Sober or Yaha. Always find and fix the infection before requesting removal. (One removal tool is available here.)

The CBL does not address issues of "opt-in" or "opt-out".

If the listed address is a NAT firewall, any or all of the machines behind it could have cause the listing. In addition to fixing the infection, we strongly suggest blocking SMTP traffic from hosts other than official mailservers.

If you're on a dynamic IP address, then use an appropriate mailserver such as your ISP's. If they're blocking you, then contact them about it not us.

Comments in the removal form will not be answered, even if you included contact info. If you need a response, contact us by email in addition to requesting removal here.
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查看完整版本: 第一次发贴,紧急求助!各位大哥。