tdk 发表于 2009-6-26 10:45:51

官方文档---更改domain name

How do I rename a domain name?


The following article will discuss the steps required to rename a domain name in the Kerio MailServer. This article assumes that the old domain name is called domain.old and the new domain name is

It is recomended that you create a full backup before you apply any changes. You can make a backup using the Backup feature in Kerio MailServer, or by copying mailserver.cfg , users.cfg and the store directory. Please review the following section of our manual for instructions on creating a full backup.

Note: This process requires that you stop the MailServer for a period of time.
Login to the Administration Console and create the new in the Domains section. Set this new domain as the primary domain name.
Stop the Kerio MailServer.
Navigate to your store directory on the filesystem, then go into the mail directory. There you should see a list of all of your domain names. If you see a folder for please remove it.
Rename the domain.old folder to
Navigate to the directory that the Kerio MailServer is installed. Open the users.cfg file with a plain text editor. Using the replace feature of your text editor, replace each occurance of domain.old with
(Optional) If you are using the Archiving feature, you will need to update the acl.fld file in the Archive directory. Navigate to your archive directory and replace any instance of domain.old with in the acl.fld file.
(Optional) If you are using Mailing Lists, you will need to update these also. Open the mailserver.cfg file with a plain text editor. Search for the section MailingList then replace the domain name for each of your mailing lists with
Now we need to update the permissions for the Public Folders. There are two possiblities, depending if you have a single set of Public Folders for all domains, or individual Public Folders for each domain:
- Single Public Folder: Navigate to the mail/#public directory and in the acl.fld file replace all instances of domain.old with
- Individual Public Folders: Do the same as above, but each domain folder will have an acl.fld file, so you need to modify that file in each of the #public folders.
Because of the complexity of changing the folder sharing and subscribing files, it is recommended that you instruct your users to re-share any folders they had shared and re-subscribe to any folders they were subscribed to.
Start the Kerio MailServer
Log into the Administration Console and you can now remove domain.old from the Domains section.

iamcj 发表于 2009-6-26 11:14:17




tdk 发表于 2009-6-26 11:27:36

嗯 KMS这方面好像没有做什么改变,因为他的结构一直没有变化。

xfhj 发表于 2009-6-26 14:38:21

偷兄就不能翻译下:lol 看到E文就晕了。。。

iamcj 发表于 2009-6-26 16:38:19

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