<a target=_blank href=http://ORDB.org/lookup/?host=>http://ORDB.org/lookup/?host=</a>*.*.*.*<br>要怎么弄才能解锁呢?
<table width=100% bgcolor=#cccccc cellpadding=5 cellspacing=1 class=TBone><tr><td bgcolor=#f7f7f7 class=TBBG9><b>下面引用由<u>千禧龙</u>发表的内容:</b><br><br>
<a target=_blank href=http://ORDB.org/lookup/?host=>http://ORDB.org/lookup/?host=</a>*.*.*.*<br>
<a target=_blank href=http://ordb.org/submit/>http://ordb.org/submit/</a>re:临时办法: 先让收件人的邮件管理员把你的...
临时办法: 先让收件人的邮件管理员把你的IP或域名加入到他们的白名单.re:告诉对方的邮件管理员做即可, 他们知道如...
告诉对方的邮件管理员做即可, 他们知道如何做, 关键是要让对方愿意做.re:我申訴過后,24小時內收到的回復信息:...
This is an automatically generated email<br>
The host you submitted at ORDB.org (218.247.***.***), has been thoroughly checked, and does not seem to permit relaying.<br>
Please note however, that this may be caused by extreme delays at the servers end. <br>
Should we at a later time receive one of our testing emails from the server you submitted, you will receive another email, telling you that the server is in fact an open relay. In that case, please disregard this email.<br>
If you know for a fact that the host you submitted is an open relay, please resubmit it via <a target=_blank href=http://www.ORDB.org/submit/.>http://www.ORDB.org/submit/.</a><br>
Additionally, some administrators have been known to block our ip-address in various firewalling devices, which may also cause our test to fail.<br>
If your host was marked as an open relay, it has now been removed from our database, and will be removed from the relays.ORDB.org-zone during the next zone-rebuild.<br>
This email is sent from an unattended mailbox, so please do not reply to it. To find information about how to contact ORDB.org, please visit <a target=_blank href=http://ORDB.org/contact/.>http://ORDB.org/contact/.</a><br>
Have a nice day, thank you for using ORDB.org<br>
PS. Need this mail translated? Have a look at:<br>
<a target=_blank href=http://ORDB.org/translation/>http://ORDB.org/translation/</a>#not_a_relay<br>
这个网站是瞒友善的而且不啰唆…不过你应该先检查自己 server Relay设定
是否通过测试 “ Test an open relay “才去申请移除 还好是绿色的